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stop order (要求經紀人在市價達到一定價格時買進或拋售的)規定價格成...

stop plate

For contact information for delivering a sealed copy of a court order to the immigration department ) ; consider making an application for a stop order or an injunction to restrain another person from removing the child from hong kong and inform the immigration department promptly once such an order is made ( click 考慮申請停止令或強制令,制止另一人將該名兒童遷移離開香港,而一旦有上述命令作出,你應從速通知入境事務處(如欲查閱將法庭命令的蓋章文本交付入境事務處的聯絡資料,請按

Tfx enables its customers to invest their capital more efficiently with a leverage as high as 100 times , reducing the need for a large amount of collateral . with no restriction on stop orders and the opportunity to “ short sell “ , tfx allows its customers to take advantage of any market condition 由于瑞匯可以使客戶沒有限制地進行網上交易買賣和在盡可能短的時間內予以實際交易,從而使得客戶可以充分利用市場千變萬化的交易情況而獲取作大的利潤。

In order to place a sell stop order , you can use our sell stop - limit order function by setting the limit price to a relatively low price 如要發出止蝕沽盤指令,閣下可選用限價止蝕沽盤并將限價設定為一個較低的價格。

Under volatile market conditions , a broker may not be able to execute a limit or stop order at the exact price specified by the trader 在劇烈波動的市場中,經濟商可能不能夠以交易者指定的價格執行限價單和止損單。

A sell stop order is an order to sell a stock once the price of the stock drops to a specified price , known as the 當股票現價跌至止蝕價時,您的止蝕沽盤會被觸發并將按現行市價沽出。

A stop order that is executed only during the closing range of the trading session 只有在交易盤要結束的范圍內才執行的防損訂單。

What is a sell stop order 甚么是止蝕沽盤

And stop ordering coffee 你也不要再叫咖啡了

Go upstairs , george , now . - stop ordering me about 現在上樓去,喬治! -別對我指手畫腳

- go upstairs , george , now . - stop ordering me about -現在上樓去,喬治! -別對我指手畫腳